Developing the Energy Storage Permitting Guidebook

The Center for Sustainable Energy, with our project partners, will create an Electronic Energy Storage Guidebook (Guidebook) to help Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) standardize and streamline their energy storage permitting process.

The goals for this guidebook are to increase the adoption of behind the meter (BTM) energy storage technologies in all market sectors by reducing the barriers and soft costs associated with permitting.

The guidebook will contain lessons learned and best practices based on input from local governments, AHJs, industry representatives, state agencies and end-use customers. Furthermore, the guidebook will document and simplify the patchwork of permitting requirements into one authoritative best practices manual.

The project will also build upon The Solar Foundation and NREL’s SolarAPP by developing a software module that will integrate the Guidebook requirements with the SolarAPP.

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